About Sarah

Sarah E. Doyle is a graduate of Columbia College Chicago where she got her BA in Creative Writing. She has since moved back to the motherland, a.k.a Los Angeles. Beyond writing creatively, she loves reading comic books, film noir, record collecting, baseball, maps, DJing, coffee, the Apocalypse, jazz, Guinness and is completely obsessed with storm chasing. Currently she is working on a graphic novel and some personal essays. Her greatest dream is to experience a tornado in real life.

Her Nonfiction has been published in EarthSpeak Magazine and her Fiction published in the Thumbs and Knuckles zine.

And her spooky tale “Caged” was recently published in the Hair Trigger 34, which was named a Gold Medalist by the Columbia University Scholastic Press Association.

Check out her reviews, op-ed pieces, and general geekery over at FanGirlNation

Contact: whoframedsarahdoyle@gmail.com







3 thoughts on “About Sarah

  1. I came across a paper you wrote on Blood Lotus with some very kind comments about a story I published there titled “Stud Fee.” I sent you a message on Facebook this morning with a big thank you for your kind words!

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